The ending of the live-action movie ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 (gegege no kitarou), starring ウエンツ瑛士 (Wentz Eiji) & 井上真央 (Inoue Mao). After parting with the human girl, Kitaro was requested to dance with the rest of the ghosts in this club under a grave. They dance to this catchy strange song called "Strange New World" composed by TUCKER. The one in the red is the cat girl, played by 田中麗奈 (Tanaka Rena), and the most adorable is the woman with the long neck, played by "YOU".
The OST is out I think.
Fan video. All rights belong to 松竹株式会社 (SHOCHIKU Co., Ltd.)
同名漫畫改編的『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎(gegege no kitarou)』2007真人電影版。ウエンツ瑛士(Wentz Eiji)與井上真央(Inoue Mao)主演。鬼太郎和井上真央飾演的人類女生分別後,來到墓下俱樂部與眾鬼狂舞。音樂是TUCKER寫的『Strange New World』,超級另類。電影原聲好像已經出了。田中麗奈(Tanaka Rena)飾演貓娘(著紅色衣服)。最愛的是轆轤首:YOU飾演的長頸女妖。
know where I can download this movie? preferrably with english sub
time4update :D?
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