27 November 2007


The ending of the live-action movie ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 (gegege no kitarou), starring ウエンツ瑛士 (Wentz Eiji) & 井上真央 (Inoue Mao). After parting with the human girl, Kitaro was requested to dance with the rest of the ghosts in this club under a grave. They dance to this catchy strange song called "Strange New World" composed by TUCKER. The one in the red is the cat girl, played by 田中麗奈 (Tanaka Rena), and the most adorable is the woman with the long neck, played by "YOU". The OST is out I think.

Fan video. All rights belong to 松竹株式会社 (SHOCHIKU Co., Ltd.)

鬼舞 同名漫畫改編的『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎(gegege no kitarou)』2007真人電影版。ウエンツ瑛士(Wentz Eiji)與井上真央(Inoue Mao)主演。鬼太郎和井上真央飾演的人類女生分別後,來到墓下俱樂部與眾鬼狂舞。音樂是TUCKER寫的『Strange New World』,超級另類。電影原聲好像已經出了。田中麗奈(Tanaka Rena)飾演貓娘(著紅色衣服)。最愛的是轆轤首:YOU飾演的長頸女妖。

04 April 2007

Chinese Living







13 April 2006

It has been quite a while since the last time I wrote an entry. Even though I despise the activity of maintaining a blog as a fashion statement, I do have rare fits of pouring out junk from my brain just to clear up spaces for the exams. Therefore, the entry is kind of long, and you have no choice but to live with it.

Sui Dream

    Having enjoyed dreamless slumbers for the past 18.539726027 years of life, I suddenly had a complex dream on this very day. Of course it is not like I have never dreamed in my sleep before, but it is certainly rare enough (once or twice a year) for me to call it an event. Besides, it was at the time of those few miracles when one actually remembers what the dream was about. So I am going to do something about this. I am going to spit the words of His Fateful Eternity1 right into your left nostril: I had a dream, bitch.

    This is called "Sui Dream" simply because I was recently engaged in a relationship with a Japanese anime series – Rozen Maiden. I was never really interested in watching Japanese anime until September, 2005, when housemates encouraged it, singers threatened for it (in exchange for acquaintanceship), friends prescribed it (to treat boredom), and a giant population of on-campus students forced all the newly fansubbed series onto my screen through the residence network. Before I could realise what video file was being played on my computer, I was already known as another victim of this post-consumerist popular culture.

    Anyways, Rozen Maiden is a series directed towards a male audience that would mistake magical dolls for sex toys and then realise, after a few episodes, that the dolls are just mixtures of darkness, fantasy, Gothic Lolita fashion, and perhaps interesting characters. Due to this somewhat attractive story, the main character/doll persuaded me to suddenly feel English and try having tea with Victorian tea sets. Despite the facts that the Irish have been reminding me to be wary of birds and Englishmen (or in this case, Englishwomen) ever since the dawn of time, and that my cafeteria cups were far from being Victorian, I still gave it a try. However, I will not comment on this activity because today I do not judge people based on their daily habits – be the case with sipping breakfast tea or drowning in whiskey 24/7.

    Coming back to the main topic – another doll is more relevant to what I was going to write in this entry; Suiseiseki possesses an artificial spirit – Sui Dream – that allows her to enter each person's dream and discover that the dream world always truly reflect the person's values, views, and heart. It just so happens that this metaphorical dream I had (when I accidentally fell asleep while cramming for an anthropology test) made me think about the inner-most part of myself that might wander in such a dream world and the possibility of it being studied by some sort of expert dream investigator in the form of a doll.

    I was walking toward a dark tunnel some 50 kilometres beneath the surface of the Earth. An old lady appeared. She accused me of doing something bad to her daughter. I was confused. I had no idea what she was talking about and I am definitely not a rapist. She pointed her finger at me and yelled and cried. I felt sorry. I felt bad. I was a criminal. Crowds of people pointed their fingers at me, calling names. I did not know what to say to the woman. I ran away. Behind the woman, I faintly saw a weeping girl at a distant corner.

    The sun blazed, quickly heating up the Earth and me. The sidewalk almost melted. I was thirsty and tired. I walked into McDonald's to get a drink. However, people were rushing out, giving the impression of an emergency. Fire, volcano, nine eleven, whatever, I just want something to drink. The manager said "fine, but we are all leaving and closing down. If you still want your life, get your damned coke and move your arse out of here as fast as possible, and don't forget to lock the doors." Then it was just me sitting in an empty restaurant. I got some sort of liquid and started taking huge gulps. I sat here for hours, not thinking about anything. When people started to come back in for their Happy Meals, I realised that I forgot to get out. So I rushed out the doors and remembered that I had left my jacket inside. I rushed back in. But now people were already getting ketchup for their "freedom" fries. I grabbed my jacket in panic and ran away, again.

    The afternoon was still fiery. I took a walk with my friend on the 50°C pavement. The deserted streets, having the steepest slopes, looked like downtown San Francisco without the tall buildings. It's great for skateboarding, I thought (though I don't even know how to skateboard). Speaking of which, a skateboarder came from behind. The guy was skateboarding alright, but without a skateboard. He was merely running, in a skateboarding fashion. The movements of his feet were odd yet interesting; it looked like he was actually on a skateboard, and what do you know, he was actually doing the coolest stunts! The guy was not wearing any shoes; even more strange, he was going uphill at a speed that awed both my friend and me. We must have thought this skate-foot-ing was some kind of new sport that's becoming one of the official Olympic Games, so we started mimicking. Furiously shuffling my feet, I failed to recognise my friend was already far ahead of me and almost catching up the guy. I became impatient. It was not very pleasant.

    The feel of responsibility for my anthropology test woke me up. I had napped for almost four hours. While cramming the text book into the brain on the day of the test, I somehow got the idea that the dream was reflecting something, telling me something. Maybe the usual pity I show toward my friend is really a side-effect of severe competitiveness and jealousy. Maybe and maybe, there are way too many maybes in this world. This is deep. It's either psychology or philosophy. Anyone interested? I might even take a summer course in this crap.

1 This was my newly acquired style of office for the honourable task of bog-sitting in a neighbour's brand new bathroom.


P.S. Another connection to Rozen Maiden is that I just thought of Alice in Wonderland, which one can potentially draw an analogy to when talking about any weird and insinuating dreams.

18 December 2005

My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?

^_^ 这么久不更新居然还值钱!我很满意。

15 October 2005


真是不好意思,blog 放了这么长时间没动。实在是没有时间。人们请过几年再回来看吧。

30 June 2005

在饱受了强烈的 peer pressure 之后,我终于决定开自己的 blog 。以下为今天的主题:

First Entry: 鱼


    以前养鱼的时候,我总是不满足自己鱼缸里的宠物,而常常羡慕那些拥有不死之鱼的鱼主人。每次看到那种 Super Fish 我就会有一点点兴奋。尤其是小时候看多了 Dr. Seuss 的 The Cat in the Hat;就算是天塌下来他那只鱼也能安然无恙(当然我后来觉得不应当排除鱼被吓呆的可能性)。还有 Amélie 的 somewhat suicidal fish;我很惊讶它多次从千丈的鱼缸边跳到地上,居然还只是自杀未遂。

    在所有跟我“交往”过的鱼中,最令我瞧不起的是 Petcetera 脆弱的金鱼。每次去 Richmond 总会路过这家所谓的宠物店。母亲曾经从那里买过两条迷你金鱼,以为单养不活,便专门挑了一红一白的绝配。按照店员的嘱咐,我还专门给金鱼缸里的水常调 pH 值(不过我觉得这俩可能没见过 strong acid 跟 strong base,是不会了解 H3O+ 和 OH- 能对它们造成什么样的威胁)。可惜它们对于我努力地做 neutralization 毫不领情,白的那条两天后就在水面上炫耀起了它那脂肪堆积的鱼肚白。红的那条安静地坐在缸底,好像什么都没发生一样。后来我摸了它一下,才发现它是和白金鱼一起死的,只不过它选择平静地去了,平静地去到它那 pH 永远等于7的天堂。

    本以为两条鱼能快活地白头偕老,却没想到 Petcetera 的产品生命力如此薄弱。我突然想起母亲买时忘记问店员这两条鱼的性别,我怀疑它们可能不是一雌一雄。之后通过长时间的推理,我在笔记本上写道:Time of death :12:54 PM;死因:鱼类不主张同性恋。


P.S. 其实自从看过 Finding Nemo 之后就很想对鱼们道出我的衷心。可惜我有一点懒惰,只能等到大家都在 blog 上有所壮举后我才会被潮流逼得在这里写上几行。

最后告诉各位路人一个 random fact :我小时养的第一只金鱼是贪吃后撑死的。

28 June 2005


wtf is a blog?